Software-Release: eSignR Version 1.1.1

We are excited to introduce the latest version of our electronic signature software. The new version 1.1.1 of eSignR. This version includes bug fixes, new features, and enhancements. Learn more about eSignR

What does the latest eSignR version offer?
New functionalities: We've moved proxy settings into the hamburger menu, added the option for on-premises usage for enterprises, and improved the security of signing requests. Additionally, we now offer the option to use the Headless Batch Signer. -> Learn more about our on-premises solution and the Headless Batch Signer
Bug fixes: In this version, we've addressed issues related to signing options, image formats, language selection, loading processes, and more.
Improvements: The signature process can now be easily cancelled, error messages have been made clearer, and the validation of signature profiles has been optimized.

eSignR: Free 30-Day Trial
Test eSignR for a month for free! Create your profile now and experience the benefits of our electronic signature software. Speed up your workflows, maintain control over your data, and enjoy the flexibility of eSignR. No risk and no obligation. -> Try eSignR now