Celebrating 12 years with Guild42!

The Guild42 association, which is dedicated to increasing the attractiveness of Bern as a location for software developers, can look back on 12 successful years. We congratulate them and support them in their anniversary celebration!

The employees of Glue Software Engineering AG have always appreciated the events of Guild42. For this reason, we have decided to support the anniversary celebration on 15 September 2022 as a sponsor. The anniversary celebration will again give the Bernese software engineering community a great opportunity to exchange ideas and get inspired. .

The goals of Guild42
The Guild42 association is committed to making Berne an attractive location for software developers and software development companies. At its events, current topics from the areas of programming languages, frameworks and libraries, tools and platforms, patterns, methodologies, project management as well as application and software architecture are dealt with in presentations by experts and then discussed in greater depth in smaller groups. The exchange of knowledge and experience as well as personal contacts are always in the foreground.
-> Become a Guild42 member
-> Become a Guild42 patron

Are you interested in attending the Guild42 anniversary celebration?
The anniversary celebration will take place on the 15th of September 2022 at the chillfoods «Füüri» on the river Aare. The Guild42 invites software developers, software development companies and interested parties to celebrate together in Bern between 18.00 and 23.30 with food and drink.

Wir freuen uns, an der Jubiläumsfeier neue Kontakte zu knüpfen, Knowhow und Erfahrungen auszutauschen sowie natürlich das tolle Essen aus der Feuerküche zu geniessen! -> Hier Kontakt aufnehmen

Weitere interessante Links
chillfoods «Füüri»
Guild42 Gönner
Guild42 Vereinsmitglieder